Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Note On Why I Read

Why do I write a book review blog?  Aren't there enough of them in the world by now?  Do I really believe my opinions make a difference?  Surely, if you've stumbled across this blog, these thoughts might have flitted across your mind, as they have across my own.

I am a student at the moment, pursuing my Master's degree.  I'll not go into detail, but suffice it to say, it's not an enjoyable process.  It's hard.  It's soul-crushing and mind-numbing.  It reduces me to irrational frustration on a regular basis.  It could be worse, of course, but there are days that even being reminded of that fact makes me want to break things with wanton abandon.

So where does reading fit in?  As the Bard once wrote, "Aye.  There's the rub."  When I've had enough of statistical analysis and computer programming and journal articles and literature reviews and traffic and bus commutes and coming home to find my dog has, once again, chewed the spine off an overly expensive textbook, I know that I have an escape hatch.  A whole shelf of them, actually.  I can flip open a book and walk out of this world into another.  I can change my story.

We are creatures of story.  Think about it.  We revere actors and screenwriters, authors and playwrights.  We gather around campfires, dining tables, and water coolers to tell our own tales.  We text and Tweet, we email and post.  We tell stories.  It's all we ever do with our lives.  And if you think of it this way, as one big story, well, then what we read is just a part of it.  Middle Earth is the place you spend your weekends.  Narnia's the break room at work.  The time you stood, invisible, beside a beloved character and watched him grieve for lost love... is that time really any different from the time you spend listening to your sister tell about the night her husband walked out on her?  Think about it!  We're hearing a story, told by someone else.  The same parts of our brains are active, if you must think of it scientifically.  We feel in exactly the same way.  No wonder stories can make us weep and laugh and rave just as flesh and blood people can.  In those moments, how can any story be greater than any other?  How can anything be more real, or more worthy, than the story?

This is why I read.  I read to feel.  I read to know myself and to try to know others.  I read to learn what is inside of me and every other person, and what is outside of us, and strung between us like invisible, silky-sticky lines of spiderweb.  I read to get out of this world, and to get into it.  I read to know that the story in which I find myself when I open my eyes in the morning is just a chapter of this great big story in which we are all merely players.  And then I come here, to this blog, and I tell you, dear readers (if there are, indeed, readers of this blog), what I found.  "Here," I say.  "Let me tell you about this wonderful place that I went."  Or perhaps, "I took a trip this weekend into another book, and I don't intend to visit again."  Look where we are again, off on another story-telling adventure.  Here I have a chance to tell my stories, and to tell you about the tales of other tellers, wondrous tales that I could not hope to do justice, tales you'll just have to explore for yourself.  Perhaps this sounds pretentious.  "All one great story, etc. etc. etc."  But why not be just a little pretentious, dear readers?  You (yes, you!) are the greatest audience a storyteller ever had.  Without a listener, our words are sound and fury, signifying nothing.  Without someone to share with, we are trapped in our own stories, echoing around our own heads like prisoners, muttering lunatic monologues.  You are unique, dear readers.  Every adventure though a book is a singular experience, an all-night conversation with the author and the characters he or she has, with your help, brought to life.  It is an adventure you can never duplicate.  But you can tell us about it.  And I hope you will.

That is what I do.  I am a student of the universe, learning chapter by chapter in this story we're in, and sharing what I find for the sheer glee of being able to do so.  Join me, won't you?  Let's sit by the fire tonight and tell our stories.  We have all the time in the world.


  1. It's a great, big, wonderful world out there, Caitlin. Each of us has our own path to explore, let's have fun while we're at it!

  2. It is a great big wonderful world. And there are thousands more to explore on the way! What an adventure.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I do not like to read for the simple fact that i can be doing better things with my time. Kurt 1st hour

  5. Ashlyn Davis 1
    I enjoy reading like you, i enjoy how it can take us to different places and it lets us be different people just for a little while. I love to read all kinds of genres, I don't have a specific favorite. Reading helps to keep me a fast thinker in school and a good test taker because I can read faster. Reading can make a bad day turn into a good day by reading the right book or series.

  6. James

    I read for some of the same reasons. I do use books to go to other places, and to step into another world, and experience the stories from the minds of other people. I almost always read science fiction books, and i use them to travel to other world. however, I rarely read to escape from anything. I read merely because I find the writing interesting. i like to read about all the different adventures that take place in the mind of someone else.

    1. *James Travis-Shuler, 1st hour*

  7. Chris K 1st hour.
    I read to dive into a world that does not exist in all reality. I like to lose myself in a book. More adult themed horror novels and psychological thrillers always catch my gaze. The Kingkiller Chronicle though is the best series by far that I have ever read. It shows a story of how people can change and develop over time to something more than was expected. It is a hard world out there, we just have to keep our heads up and move on.

  8. Shannon 1st hour,
    Although reading is very important it is not one of my favorite things to do. Reading doesn't interest me because I don't really got into the story. IF i had to pick a favorite genre it would have to be realistic fiction. i like realistic fiction more because it can be about things that interest me.

  9. Alicia Ramirez.

    I love how you said "I can flip open a book and walk out of this world into another. I can change my story." I feel the exact same way when I am reading a good book. When I read its like I am in a whole different place and have nothing to worry about. Other times I picture myself as the main character going on adventures or in a dangerous situation just for excitement.

  10. Tristian 1st hour

    The reason I read is because I like to get a different view of how people see things.

  11. Kaleigh Cowles
    first hour

    I try to find good books to read because some of them are amazing and when I find a good book to read I can not put it down. I get so into what is going on and what is being said like I am there and also like I am hearing everything that is being said in the story. I do not always find a good book to read but I have the help to find what I'm looking for, and when I find what I'm looking for I stick with it. Some books I read are harder than others but I read them to help make me better.

  12. Devon1
    I love to read books and stories. They help me escape from reality and allow for me to not worry about stupid things in life. I highly enjoy reading Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Realistic Fiction. Science Fiction is a great genre because it is all imaginative. It is realistic but it is in a world that I am not in. Fantasy is different then Science Fiction but it still has a relaxed, fun feeling to it. Realistic Fiction is fun to read because it helps to better understand the world around you without taking away the fun of reading a book. I really enjoy to read all these genres and more. They are important to the world around us and influence us without us even knowing.

  13. Trevor Godwin 1st hour

    I read to keep myself busy when I have nothing else to do. I like to read non-fiction and books that are about sports. For me reading those kinds of books makes he think what would I have done if I was in that persons shoes.

  14. Grant Hegenauer 1st hour

    I like to read to get information out of books and to learn new things. I also like to read when I have nothing else to do. I enjoy reading all kinds of books. My favorites are nonfiction and books about sports.

  15. Lucas Doyle 1st hour

    I also like reading in my spare time.When you are reading it takes you to a different place.I like to read just about anything as long as it is not a love story or romance.

  16. Dear Caitlin,
    Yes; school is very soul-crushing and mind-numbing. Although I am just a high school-er, going to school is the bleakest part of my day. Even though it seems too long and boring, I still value the time I get to read in my English class. I read for the same reasons you do. I often find myself reading a book that I started in first period and continuing to read it well into second period and even some days into third period. As much as I feel bad for neglecting my school work, I value getting sucked from my desk and into someone else's world where things are more interesting. I am often reading some form of science fiction. I have really enjoyed reading your views about why you read books.

  17. Tyler 1st hour
    My main motivation to read is the fact that in a book, you can do anything. There are books for everyone, from sports stories to sci-fi and everything else imaginable. I find almost any book can interest me in some way (Insert mandatory jab at twilight here). That is my stand on reading, which I learned to do from videogames. Explain that science!

  18. Relin House
    Hour 1

    I read as an escape from reality. Through work, school, and issues in every day life at home, reading is my chance to live an adventure or life that mentally takes me away from all of the stress and drama. I usually find genres such as horror, fantasy, and adventure to be the most popular choices for me. I absolutely love having a personal connection to a character, or a certain plot in a book.
    I agree that school can be soul-crushing and above all, mentally and physically draining. Even though I am usually exhausted after school and my work shifts, I still take time to read even just a few pages before I go to sleep. That's my escape and my way to forget about problems i may have had in the day.
    That is why I love reading, and choose to do it.

  19. Abigail 1 hour

    I read because of the same reasons you do. To be someone else for a while and to pretend you're the main character in the story. To escape reality and jump into a different person's life. I like to read a lot and I usually read two to three books a week. I wish I had more time to read but with sports, school and family issues going on it gets hard. I love thriller and suspense books. I actually like a lot of different genres. The only kind I don't like to read is science fiction or fiction. Mythical creatures and stuff like that just doesn't interest me. I like to read something that can actually happen. I love reading romance books and cute love stories. What girl doesn't? Anyways, I enjoy reading books also. I read for all the same reasons.

  20. Hannah Yates 1st Hour
    I did not like reading at all in Middle School but once i opened a mystery/thriller and a romance books in High School I learned to love reading. It's the fact that authors can combine the mystery with romance that gets me into a book. I enjoy reading a book that interests me like most people do. I like be the characters in the books i read it makes it more enjoyable. That is why i like to read.

  21. Sarah 1

    I read for similar reasons. I love to sit down and read a book in its entirety, and put myself in a characters place. I imagine the book in my head like watching a movie as I read and that's what I like the most. My favorite books to read are realistic fiction because they are easier for me to follow and create my own image rather than reading someone else's story in a nonfiction book.

  22. Kaitlin Lalk-1st hour

    I agree that school is soul-crushing and mind-numbing, and I'm only in high school. I enjoy reading but it seems as if I don't have time to read other than in class. I like reading mystery books and many novels. My favorite book so far is Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. I read because I feel like you learn another persons story whether its a fairy tale or non-fiction.

  23. Jesrael (1st Hour English)

    I feel like you nailed the whole concept of reading right on the head. I too read to pull myself out the worn down rut I live in every day. Sometimes when I just need to get away from all of my thoughts that constantly nag at me all day, it is such a awesome thing to be able to live through the eyes of an adventurous character. Someone important who is living a life worth living. To see and feel the things they do is a surreal and sweet escape.

  24. Chelsea Ball 1rst Hour

    I read because i like relating to the characters of the story. I love reading because it helps me to understand not only the characters (other people in the world) but myself also. Reading helps me to decide whether or not i want to be like that character or be someone different. The kinds of books that i like to read are fiction romance and also a little bit of non-fiction about history. I like reading these genres because i feel like i can relate to them and i love learning about what happened in the world and what is going on now.

  25. Allie (1st Hour)

    i read but unlike many i don't read many books. i read a webcomic (HomeStuck) and all of the short stories my friends write originally or fan works of shows or novels or movies. i must read about 50,000 words in a school week. books can reflect things about ourselves the kinds of books people read can show us a shard of what and who they are inside. its a window of paper and cloth. In Books and stories we can be anyone it lets us do what so many wish to do. Become another person, even if for just a short time, we escape. we can fly we can see the deepest parts of space. we can learn from a collection of books more then we could ever on our own. its a web of information spun by the minds of authors and fans alike we can come together and weave a theory of how the next book will play out. we can tell each other how the toils of person A made us weep or laugh. it is a world of its own.

  26. Catlin,
    I love to read for the fact that it lets me view everything in a different light. To view the world as light, or dark, or as a neutral grey color in between. To see the reasons behind why someone is destroying or saving the world, or countless other worlds. Reading is not only a gate to another world but also to other ways of thinking and living. New cultures that I would have never thought of that make me think about how the world works and why it works that way. My favorite genres that tend to do this are fantasy, si-fi, and I also like to delve into historical fiction as those show me the world at those periods of time and why certain things happened the way they did.
    Sierra Luplow (1st hr.)

  27. I read for the reason to escape the world I am in to go explore new ones. I read mostly fantasy books along with some Science fiction. I grow attached to the characters as I follow them through their journey. for example when I read the ending of Firestar by Chris D'lacey I was devastated when David rain is killed by a ice spear through the heart. To me reading is a way to escape the real world to have amazing journeys that might help in the real world.

  28. Elissa 1st hour

    I didn't really realize how much I read a day until I read this message. It is very true that we read so much in one day, it's unbelievable. Reading text books, instructions for an assignment, the boards in the classroom, everything. There are times when I love reading and times where I truly dislike reading. I enjoy reading when I have the genre I like to read. I enjoy reading non-fiction mysteries and horrors. I like these types of books because I like reading something that happened in real life that are a scary tragedy.

  29. Mac 1st hour

    As you stated a few times in this blog, reading is an escape for me. It's amazing that after a day at school, where I wish to beat my head repeatedly on my desk just to end the frustration of repetitive and annoying work, that I can find myself entering an exhilarating world of a zombie plague, or a wondrous and magical kingdom of dragons and wizards! Reading is an escape to a place that you can't go to in your everyday life. My favorite genre to read, as you may have guessed from my descriptions, is fiction. Fiction let's your imagination soar and let's you build this fantasy around what you want it to be.

  30. Courtney 4th Period

    Most people my age love to read, personally though, I do not really like reading. I prefer to come up with my own ideas, and enjoy the real world not worlds created in books. Some people can escape through books, to feel from the stories, like author above and find themselves in them but for me it is stressful and causes me to get headaches so it makes reading hard to be enjoyed. If i had to pick a genre I would have to say fiction. It always gives you something to think about and that's what I enjoy about it.

  31. Justin 4th

    i love reading too, because like you said, i can get into, and out of this world. reading about present times is great, i get to learn new things, and ideas. Reading Sci-Fi or fantasy takes me out of this world, and i love that. Sci-Fi has to be my favorite genre because i like reading about make belief things, ideas, and creations that i could only imagine/want to be real.

  32. Brenden M 4th hour

    i read to feel excited because i love to see things through other peoples eyes. i like to get lost by the feeling of my imagination, to see my self do what the person, character, whoever it maybe, is doing at that time in the story.

    1. my favorite type of book is sport books, because sports are my life, and i like seeing what other athletes or teams our going through. it makes me relate to them , and then i get more attached to the book.

  33. Casey 4th hour

    I read to learn new things, i enjoy reading historical books. mostly world war two and world war one i like hearing different explainations of why we used the bomb and how, reading takes me into the lives of the people im reading about and helps me see it as they once seen it.

  34. Charliene, 4th hour
    I read to escape the reality of what is going on in my life. For something new and exciting like a young love or a athlete struggling to stay afloat in the world. I read for a lot of the reasons you do, to learn more about the world and what stories it has to share. I love reading any type of book for that reason. My favorite however would be realistic fiction, its things that could happen but not necessarily do. I feel like it keeps your mind open to different things and shows our mind how to explore. I am the type of reader who gets lost in a good book that I had no intention of reading and yelling at the characters in my head for doing something that I didn't want them to. But that is what makes it fun for me.

  35. Kyle 4th Hour.

    I think that this world is so cooped up in technology these days, that they forget the true meaning of reading. What I am getting at is that technology is basically taking away the fun of reading a book, everyone is either to busy reading a text, or are just plain lazy.

  36. Haylee, 4th hour

    As you stated in your blog, reading is also an escape for me. It's wonderful how well you can forget about real life for awhile and imagine that you are in the other world with the characters. I like to forget about all the frustrating homework and all the drama for a little while. It's amazing how the author can make you feel all the emotions that all the characters are feeling. Like it can make you angry, sad, frustrated or even happy.

  37. Brandon1

    Reading is a wonderful no matter how bad your life is you get a chance to just right into a wonderful one or if your life is not bad you can always go see how the other half truly lives. Reading is everywhere it is needed in everything so why not practice it with a book of your own choice on your own time. When you get out into this wide world you will need it everyday in every way you can and cant think. In my statistic class though mid Michigan we will go through three chapters a week and over 200 pages in one assignment. I am taking about a math class and we do more reading in that then i ever have even in English so i know for a fact that it can only get harder and more difficult. So why not pick up a good book and read you will have amazing stories about it when you have your friends read the book to. This is my feel on why reading is important and why i do it.

  38. Zach 4th hour

    I also like to read. It is really enjoyable to be able to escape into another world. Finding a good book is key. When you can connect with the characters, it is very easy to get lost while reading and twenty minutes turn into a few hours. My favorite genre to read about is sports. I can easily connect with them and see their struggles because I see from a similar point of view.

  39. I never really thought about why i read until i read this post. I guess one reason is because i like to escape from the present world and enter the fictional world in books. Also, if i start a series, i get so caught up in it that i have to finish and see what happens to the characters in the story. I enjoy reading realistic fiction the most.

    Josh Machuta. 4th hour

  40. Kelsie 2nd Hour

    I took a sentence from the blog because 'I do read to get out of this world, and to get into it.' I love to escape from anything in the outside world and come to a new one. Seeing how characters take situations and how they handle them.. Interesting. I read to see how people, the society, or even the world could really be like. We do read everyday whether it is texting, tweeting, or blogging. Learning something new everyday. I like being able to go into a fantasy without the real life interfering or coming in.

  41. Matthew 4th hour

    I have found that this blog post is both truthful and funny in ways many cannot understand. Reading is not intended on being a chore, but a way for people to escape reality and enter a whole new world fill with adventure, and quickly changing emotions. Books are a way to tell what has happen or just for someone to express themselves in a way that is entertaining. I find that I like books that are, how say it, magical I guess. Books like the "Witch and Wizard" series by James Patterson, and also the "Avalon: Web of Magic" series by Rachel Roberts. These series provide me with such an energized rush, that when I stop reading, my heart is literally in a rush.

  42. Kristina 4th Hour

    I agree with you when you say you read to escape and visit other worlds. No matter what genre you choose, when you open a book you get to go to a place different then your own. I enjoy reading, and love finding books I can really get in too. Books that capture your interest and make you feel as though you are the character experiencing the things happening are the best. Preferably I like to read realistic fiction, stories that fit with ways that people our age feel or act.

  43. Alex Schlorff 4th hour

    I read because i can get information from books and learn new things. I am definantly one of the people that will read if they have too but if i don't have to, good luck trying me to read. Unless you get me into a really good book because then, i won't be able to stop reading.

  44. Alex 4th hour

    I enjoy reading but I don't love it. I usually read in my spare time and also at school. It is very true about what you have said in your note. I find that sometimes the book i think is right is one that i just can't get into. other times i find a book that i don't think will work and it ends up being a very good book after all. i think it just depends on the reader and what they enjoy. my favorite genre to read is fiction because it's usually a very good story line.

  45. Hannah 4th Hour

    I also love to read. As you said, it is a great escape when things in life just aren't going well. I love reading books with lots of drama in them, I like how they make you think about what it would be like to be a certain character in them. I don't like reading most nonfiction books just because i find them incredibly boring, and can't relate to them at all. My favorite genre would be love story's because i like all the drama in them. When reading them it's like your in their world and left your own.

  46. Jacob
    I read for some of the same reasons that you have mentioned, like when you said that by reading, your attention is diverted and you feel like you've jumped into a story that for the meanwhile conceals the stress and frustrations of life that are coped with daily.By doing so, your imagination takes over and puts pictures in your head. My favorite genres to read are realistic fiction, because they make me wonder if the story that is told really could've happened.

  47. Chris 4th Hour

    I've never really liked reading. I am an extremely slow reader, and I really can't find books that really interest me. the only book i really liked was The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. The story is about an Native American boy who decides to move from the school on the Rez to an all white farm town school. I like the book because it has humor and serious events

  48. Chad Sponseller 4th

    As you told many times in you post, reading is one of the many ways that you can shape yourself and tell your story. With the language learned, and fantasies unfolded, it can define if your a noble gentlemen or a barbaric crusader in the world we live in. Reading influences me to push and live up to the kingly status that a character has. Or the Bravery and courage they possess It defines my personality to be the best I can. I cannot live up to King Peter of Narnia or Bran the Prince of Elfael, but i learn that they are respected for the people they are. I apply this to my life and it opens your eyes to a problem or solution or both at the same time. I love to read about a fantasy full of action of a king. But if you apply this to yourself, then a whole new world is available at the turn of a page, or the touch of a fingertip. It could shape how you act and treat others. If you are like the fair High King, or the ruthless tyrant that is hated, reading can make you change and bring out the best in yourself.

  49. Brooke4
    Let me just start off with I agree with everything you have said in this post. I read for the same reason as you, to feel. I would never know, at least I hope, what it is like to have cancer or to feel yourself dying. But in the book "The Fault In Our Stars", I was able to understand how it feels as stupid as it sounds. Reading helps to give people an understanding of a life they will never live. It helps you feel thing that you can only imagine without reading the book.
    I enjoy reading all genres of books. I mostly stick with realistic fiction because I like to imagine myself in other people's shoes. Like you said, it can put you in a different world, and I almost like that world more than the one we are living in.

  50. Angel 4th Hour

    I read many realistic fiction novels. they show that people can move on with there lives even if they have lost everything. Some people that i know think that there life is over because of a breakup of a lost friendship. Books will take you on an adventure and if the book is a good one it will be hard to forget. reading helps to escape from this reality that we live in.

  51. Sara 4th hour

    Reading is my escape from my chaotic world it takes me on adventures that i would never dream of going on. It gives me a better perspective on the world it makes me think differently and it also reminds me I'm not the only one with problems. I don't have a favorite genre I read anything from romance to a bibliography because i find that everything is worth reading.

  52. Coty 4th hour

    Reading as you said is an escape from the real world. I like to read science fiction or historical books.I like reading these books because I can imagine myself in the character's shoes. Whether it is fighting in World War Two or surviving an apocalypse, I can imagine myself there. Good books will take me to places I have never been, and let me see things I have never seen. Even if I am frustrated and having a bad day, a good book can take me somewhere different.

  53. Zykia 4th Hour

    I read because it gives me something to do. I don't read that often so when i do it means that it's a book that i could understand and interesting. Reading has never been my thing so i can not say that i love it or hate it. it's in the middle.

  54. I like to read to learn new things. i mainly read about things i rally like to do i read like this because i learn about a lot of new things i didn't know before. when i read i actually learn more than i think.

  55. Logan 4th hour

    I also read for alot of the same reasons you do. But i only like to read a book if i completely love it. Theres nothing i hate more than reading a book that i cant stand. But when you get into a book that you love it can be an exhilarating rush and a escape from the routines of day to day life. I think its funny how you said your dog chewed up your expensive textbook, mines done the same.

  56. Caitlin,
    I understand exactly what you mean by school is kind-numbing and completely soul sucking. I think that reading is my escape from the world and my life. The characters in books lives are totally different from mine and they give me something to think about that's not my school work or family. I feel that you nailed this talking about why people read the way you did, the way you explained it is perfect. I enjoy Realistic fiction novels the most because its not necessarily a true story of what happened to somebody but it very easily could.

    Kaitlyn 5th Hour

  57. Kyler, 5th hour.

    I read to get away from my own mind. I'd rather be someone else, and see something else than to be where I am and see what I see. It's an escape. I can say I enjoy life sometimes, but at other times I wish I just had a break. So if I really need to just get away, it's not hard to close the door, turn off my phone, open a book, and just let it all soak in. Forget who I am, who's around me, and the things I've done. Be someone else for a little while. That's why I read.

  58. Tory5
    I really enjoy the middle section where you explained how life is just one big story. I truly believe that we are all interconnected, each impacting everyone and everything around us. We all have our own stories, some farther along than others. When we communicate, we intertwine our stories together to connect our circle of existence. I/m not much of a reader, but I see how reading can be wondrous. We enter another world when we read, climb into another person's mind and see what they can see. It's just in words we see these stories,but that's the best part. We create our own reality for the words to take form and shape. When we read, we essentially ARE entering another reality, another dimension, and another world.

  59. Katie 5th hour

    I also read for the same reasons you do. I find that I can get away from my beautiful, tragic, amazing, not so great at times, life. To just step inside another world and really feel yourself being there at that moment is amazing. But I also have to find a book that I absolutely love, I can't read a book that I can't get into. You need an amazing job at writing this! Great job!

  60. Ashley A Fifth Hour
    I love to read i agree and like how said that when you open a book your in a whole other world sometimes its a better world and sometimes depending on what you read its a worse world. my favorite books to read are dramas and mystery i love when a book i am reading has both drama and mystery. i like drama because some of the drama going on it the book i can relate to and mysteries keep me on the edge of my seat so i can't wait to finish the book. i like to read because i like the feeling of escaping from reality into a fantasy or a drama or a mystery

  61. Nick 5 hour

    i like reading. but only when it is not something that is forced on me. if i have the time to pick out a book that i think is "interesting" then i will enjoy reading it. I dont like having to read a book that does not meet my interests. the genre that i like to read is probably realistic fiction because it seems real.

  62. Martin 5th hour

    Like you said in your blog "Aye there's a rub," well i sometimes sit down relax and maybe pull out a reading book and then start to read but when i do read my book i forget everything that i have seen and get into the book the further i read my book the easier it is to read and understand the meaning of it. Schools hard and i still dont understand why i read but sometimes you gotta put a effort into it and try to move on no matter how big or small it is your dont give up you try til your done. Not everything is easy in life but that's why you gotta move on and fight for what you really want!

  63. Katie M.>5th hour!

    I enjoyed reading this and I actually agree with everything that you said. I love the fact that, while reading, you can be taken to a whole different world, and on an adventure while staying in the exact same place as you always have been. Life can be stressful, but books can give you that escape that is much needed at times. I enjoy reading for the fact that in books, there seems to be a fantasy that everybody would like to live. In other words, it is nice to be able to go where you always have wanted without actually leaving. This is why i like to read books that have a happy ending, or a happy storyline because that is what i ultimately want; to be happy. Great job!

  64. Alexa 5th Hour

    I read to get away too. I don't particularly love reading because it is so hard to find a good book to get into. Its like pulling teeth and i wont understand what I'm reading if i don't like it. But on the rare occasion that i find an interesting one, i get pulled in and find an excuse to read it anywhere. I found that we have one point in reading books that is the same. I read to get rid of stress and to just block out all of the other annoying things around me.

  65. Brandon C. 5th hour
    I also read for a lot of reasons. Like if its about fishing hunting or sports it has my full attention already. I only like to read books that, I am interested in and if not, I will start a different one. I like to read hunters choice magazines or Fiction books. I am a slow reader so it takes awhile to complete a book. I like to read to see how others see things as. Like if its a big deal to them maybe it might be a small deal to me.

  66. Taylor 5th hour
    I really love the way you wrote this. I felt like all the reasons why i love to read just clicked right then. I now realize that I also read to escape to another world. As I read this article and some of the comments, I see that many people read for the same exact reasons. I never used to be a big reader, but now I kind of use books as my escape. Reading really does take you to a whole new world.

  67. Brittany 5th Hour
    I agree with you that reading can take you away to somewhere else. Especially if it is a book that truly interests you. When I was in elementary school I really enjoyed reading and I still do but now that I am in high school and teachers give books to read about Genres I'm not always interested in I have lost the enjoyment when it comes to what I'm being made to read, but genres I enjoy are romances or suspense I like the fact that I wont see what comes next until it's arrived. Yes there are books I've abandoned even if they are the Genre I like because the events just didn't spark my interest. But much like you I enjoy reading and I love how books can take you away to a place you've never been and may not return to.

  68. Sam 5th hour

    I don't generally enjoy reading due to the fact that ADD makes it some what of a challenge to keep a thought going. A challenge not worth taking on i might add. When i do read i prefer books with an easy to understand storyline with a low amount of characters, but at the same time an non-fiction action style book can be somewhat entertaining. I read to expand my vocabulary and take up time that cannot be occupied by any other activities such as sleeping or playing on the iPhone.

  69. Alyssa 5th hour
    I love to read a good book. I like being able to get out of my own world. When I read I can emerge myself in another persons world. I get to see everything from a different point of view. I like to read realistic fiction because it is easier to imagine everything happen to me and not just a character in a book.

  70. Adreanah 5th hour

    Caitlin, every reason you stated for why you read is absolutely true! Reading is for me as well a way to escape and experience something new. Whenever I choose a book to read I always make sure to get a feel for the characters and what the book is actually about, for me to read I feel that I need to be able to understand what is going on. I love being able to experience a whole new person and a whole new world just by doing something as simple as turning a page. Being able to amerce myself in something outside of everyday life is something I will never tire of. When I read, I usually find myself involved in some type of historical fiction or romance. I like being able to learn what it was like during a different time, and a fairytale romance never gets old to me. Thank you for sharing with us why you read, it has truly made me examine myself to find my views.

  71. Andrew 5

    I am not a reader. I am not a fan of reading now, nor was I in grade school. I cannot pin point what it is about reading i do not like. Maybe it's because i can't see whats actually going on, or the fact that i am just sitting there, not really doing anything. I am the type of person who would much rather wait for the movie to come out. The one book series i thoroughly enjoyed reading was The Hunger Games. No other book has captured my attention like that one. Agreeing with you above, i liked the feeling of being in the book, just for a short period of time. That feeling of being somebody else can be a great one, especially if you're angry with life at the moment. I will definitely continue to read, because it is good for you, and it's a great experience when you find a good book.

  72. Shelby 5th hour

    I as well as many others read to escape from reality, even if it is only for a couple of hours. Reading to me is something that I can do to relieve stress. I typically like many kinds of books but mysteries would be my favorite, the ones where you have to really pay attention o detail. If I'm reading a book that I don't really like its hard for me to concentrate on the book, my mind will become easily distracted and i will lose track and continuously read the same sentence over and over. On the other hand if I'm really engaged in a book, i can read for ours and hours at a time. I will agree with you on the topic of school being mind numbing, for the simple fact that my day is always so busy. No matter what class im in i always seem to feel overwhelmed with work and i know its just the beginning. I value the fact that i can take 15-20 minutes out of English class to just sit down and read.

  73. Katherine 5th Hr.
    I LOVE reading. Rainy days (thanks April) are prefect for reading. You can't go outside and do things, so staying inside and curling up with a cat on your lap, the dogs at your feet, and a good book in your hands is wonderful. I love all genres, it is impossible to pick one.

  74. Rose 5th hour
    i read for a lot of the same reasons, i read to feel somethings iv never felt before and want to experience them. i feel when my life gets overwhelmed and out of balance that reading helps me unwind because its like leaving where ever you are and entering someone world that is completely different from yours, some characters you relate to can help solve problems that you may ace in your life, and others can have problems that you have never had so you ca get a sense of ow they feel. i love to read all kinds of books because i find tat they all have there own meaning and purpose inside of them.

  75. Audra (5th Hour)

    Reading is an escape for me, just like you talked about. When I'm having a stressful day and I just need to relax I grad a book and go into somebody else life for a little while. Seeing them traveling, solving problems, and taking on adventures plays in my head like a movie. Sometimes I can relate to these people and sometimes I can picture being them and going through what they are and how to feels to be in their position for a little bit. However, then we always have to snap back to realities!

  76. Hannah 5th hour
    I read when it seems like life has no more meaning. When all I do is criticized and unappreciated. When being me is just no longer possible. I am transformed into another place in another time, away from the struggles of school and from home. As you said I read to feel, to feel different, to feel loved, to feel important, just to feel...

  77. Mercadez 5

    I don't always pick up a book for fun. Its very uncommon for me to find a good book that I get into but when I do I like to imagine myself in there shoes and how the events in the book could happen and how i would go about them. "Jumping" into a good book could mean many things it could mean jumping into there shoes and there story line or it could be jumping to a conclusion (skipping all the importing things and spark noting things). When I find interest in a book the type would have to be fictional i like the whole life after death zombie apocalypse or natural disaster story lines. I'm glad that for you it takes you out of the world and you live in your own world. My "fictional" world would have to be a apocalyptic type theme. It all depends on the types of activity's and interests you like. Your world my world and everyone's world can be and would be way different this is why people read books to escape reality and enter there own "universe".

  78. Kassidy 5th hour

    I enjoy reading for the same reason you do. It makes me feel better and I don't know ... safe maybe, to know that no matter how bad of a day I've had I can come home to a waiting book and just get lost in the characters and plot. When I read nothing else matters. It gives me a chance to block out the world. No more tragedies of everyday life because you're the one calling the shots. You're the one who chooses what happens or what genre(s) to read. But above all of those reasons the best thing about reading by far is that if you don't like whats occurring in the book you can put it away and pick up another hoping its what you're looking for. My favorite types of books are fiction, adventure, or science fiction.I've got a huge imagination and reading opens so many different doors to choose from.

  79. Aaron 5th hour

    I greatly enjoy reading. There really is something amazing about having the ability to pick up these objects, these wonderful little pieces of paper, and enter into a whole new world I know nothing about. So much knowledge can be gained from reading. Society benefits from books whether some may like to think so or not. Without books, what would the world be?

    The genre I enjoy reading the most is fiction. This genre of reading allows me to imagine a whole new world. This is why I love reading dystopian fiction.

  80. Eric 5th Hour
    I read for many of the same reasons you do. I believe reading is a way to escape reality and an escape from the world we know all too well. The things we do on a daily basis are so habit, we forget about the miraculous things you can accomplish with a little courage. Its important to read books that you find interesting otherwise your wasting your time. Reading is so much more than skimming through a textbook to find last minute answers, its a chance to explain the unexplained. -Eric E.

  81. Ian, 5th Hour.
    Holy Comment Spam, Batman! anyway, back on topic: reading is a great escape sometimes. it's nice to compare you're logical thinking to what the characters are doing. you know you've found a great author when the decisions that their characters make are smart, and well thought out. it completes the illusion. another big plus to reading is that, unlike television or movies, if you find a book in a series, that series might not be over for twenty-plus hours, instead of two and a half hours for a movie, or an hour for a television episode. Its amazing, at least for me, to watch an author's creative thought process through the story, and see situations happen, in which they've been setting things up for said situation for a good portion of the book. Truly amazing. Especially J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth. So much detail put into making the world "real!" so much back story and history that's never even been written about. That man has the entire world's history from day one completely laid out, and to me, that's just mind blowing.

  82. Catlin,
    I really enjoy reading.I like it because instead of thinking about my problems I can think about the characters issues. Reading is good because it takes your minds off things and is really useful when you are bored. My favorite genre is Science Fiction. This is my favorite genre because even though it includes things that are impossible now,they could become possible in the future. I also think they come up with the most original ideas.This is why I like to read.
    Jackson, 1st Hour

  83. Jacob 5th Hour

    I read for many of the same reasons you do. When I find a book I really like, I get lost in its pages and I just don't want to put it down. When I read a good book I feel like it takes me into the story with all of my favorite characters. I never really thought about it but I agree with you, how you said life is like a story and we are all characters of each others books. My favorite books are star wars because I really liked the movies and I find them very interesting and satisfying.

  84. Brandon A 5th hr.

    I don't mind reading that much, but i don't like being forced to read. Usually the only times i read is on a long car ride to have something to do. When i find a good book it's hard to put it down because you get lost in the book. The kind of books that i like to read are sports books and non-fiction books

  85. Brook G 4th
    I agree with everything in this post. I like to read because it can take me out of a stressful situation and take me somewhere else. I like how a book can make me bawl for an hour on the couch or make me laugh in public when I am the only one to know what the joke is. I enjoy reading almost every genre but I enjoy Sci-Fi/Fantasy the best. If someone asked me what my favorite book is I would not have an answer because it is like choosing which part of myself I like better. I feel as though when I read, it becomes me. If the main character is a girl named Cassia then I am Cassia for the amount of time it takes to finish that book. When I'm done, a part of me will always be Cassia. I can be whatever I want in a book, I could even write my own story. That is why I love to read.

  86. Jordyn L. 1st hour
    I agree with your post. I do enjoy reading but it just doesn't come as easily to me as to some others. I also don't have much free time between sports. The types of novels that i enjoy reading are love stories. I feel that love stories are relate able to high school students because of all the changes they are going through and because of the feeling that they maybe feeling for there significant other.
