Title: The Ghost Bride
Author: Yangsze Choo
Read by: Yangsze Choo
Publisher: Harper Audio (2013)
Genre(s): Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Historical Fiction
Length: 12 hours and 8 minutes
Synopsis: "Would you like to be a ghost bride?" Li Lan is shocked by her father's suggestion. After all, though marrying off the dead is not entirely unheard of in colonial Malaya, it is rare for the bride to be a living woman who would be condemned to a life of widowhood. Though Li Lan has no interest in becoming such a bride, she is curious about the circumstances that led to the suggestion. Her intended, it would seem, was the heir to the Lim family, a young man she had never even met. Now, however, all of his family is showing a keen interest in her, from the new heir Tian Bai to his dead cousin, who's begun appearing in Li Lan's dreams and is anything but charming.
My Rating: 3 Stars
My Opinion: I did enjoy this audiobook performance, since it is somewhat rare to find a book read by its author. Li Lan isn't exactly the most interesting protagonist, but through her explorations, we are treated to an extensive, lushly described, and sometimes fantastical view of her world, both in life and death. The historical notes Choo includes at the conclusion of the story are nearly as interesting as the book itself. There's a lot going on in this story, ranging from romance to a sort of supernatural version of Law & Order. With the historical context in place, that combination makes a lot more sense, but during my first listening, I found it somewhat difficult to work out where the story was going, and why on earth that seemed like a logical option. Though there were things about this book that puzzled me, I did enjoy the performance overall, and the concept behind it in particular.