Title: Every Last
Kiss (The Bloodstone Saga)
Author: Courtney Cole
Publisher: Lakehouse Press (April
Genre(s): Young Adult Fiction,
Fantasy, Historical, Chick Lit
Length: 252 pages
Synopsis: Macy, a modern teenager,
receives a strange bloodstone necklace which turns her world upside down. Suddenly she is no longer just a modern
teenager but the only the newest iteration of herself. She is a guardian of fate, reincarnated time
and again, and each time with a destiny: somewhere in the world is a soul she
is destined to protect at any cost.
My Rating: 2 Stars
My Opinion:
At the Decatur Book Festival, I was
given a card for a free copy of the ebook.
A brilliant marketing tactic, this simple offer had me downloading the
book at the next available opportunity. I’ll
admit, I had low expectations (after all, it was free), and I must say, I was
not disappointed. The idea behind this
novel is good, brilliant even. Destiny,
fate, true love, secrets, loyalty, loss.
These are the components on which this novel draws, and though they
offer the potential for a wonderful, complex, multi-layered story, the execution
is rather lackluster. For a historical
fiction, the historical details are sparse and surface level at best. Dialogue and character voice in particular
read as modern, sometimes painfully so.
I find Macy believable neither as a 17 year old girl, nor as a timeless
reincarnation of a guardian of Fate. The
pacing of the book is also off-putting. Villains
come and go, changing loyalties and timelines until readers are left wondering
whose side they’re on. Characters accept
monumental revelations without batting heavily made-up eyelashes. As a quick read, it’ll do in a pinch, but
there are many books I’d recommend over this one.